About us

We are a reliable partner for the assembly, disassembly and re-assembly of investment units as well as technological units and machinery equipment for various industry sectors. Our company employs professional machine fitters, welders, pipe fitters, electricians and mechanicians who are not only technically skilled, but also speak various foreign languages (English, German). Thanks to this advantage, we are able to operate in many EU countries.

Perfect service and high quality of
provided services. You can rely on us.


Projekt „Modernizace firemního stylu a návrh nových webových stránek“ reg. č.: 461001295, byl realizován za účelem tvorby nové firemní identity za finanční podpory Evropské unie z Národního plánu obnovy.

Financováno Evropskou unií
Národní plán obnovy
Ministerstvi kultury